JS object __noSuchMethod__
This feature is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. Try to avoid using it.
属性被移除之后,ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) 规范转而采用 Proxy
对象, 可以实现下面的效果(以及更多)。
obj.__noSuchMethod__ = fun
function (id, args) { . . . }
By default, an attempt to call a method that doesn’t exist on an object results in a TypeError
being thrown. This behavior can be circumvented by defining a function at that object’s __noSuchMethod__
member. The function takes two arguments, the first is the name of the method attempted and the second is an array of the arguments that were passed in the method call. The second argument is an actual array (that is, it inherits through the Array.prototype
chain) and not the array-like arguments object.
If this method cannot be called, either as if undefined
by default, if deleted, or if manually set to a non-function, the JavaScript engine will revert to throwing TypeError
Simple test of __noSuchMethod__
var o = {
__noSuchMethod__: function(id, args) {
console.log(id, '(' + args.join(', ') + ')');
o.foo(1, 2, 3);
o.bar(4, 5);
// Output
// foo (1, 2, 3)
// bar (4, 5)
// baz ()
Using __noSuchMethod__
to simulate multiple inheritance
An example of code that implements a primitive form of multiple inheritance is shown below.
// Doesn't work with multiple inheritance objects as parents
function noMethod(name, args) {
var parents = this.__parents_;
// Go through all parents
for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
// If we find a function on the parent, we call it
if (typeof parents[i][name] == "function") {
return parents[i][name].apply(this, args);
// If we get here, the method hasn't been found
throw new TypeError;
// Used to add a parent for multiple inheritance
function addParent(obj, parent) {
// If the object isn't initialized, initialize it
if (!obj.__parents_) {
obj.__parents_ = [];
obj.__noSuchMethod__ = noMethod;
// Add the parent
An example of using this idea is shown below.
// Example base class 1
function NamedThing(name){
NamedThing.prototype = {
getName: function() { return this.name; },
setName: function(newName) { this.name = newName; }
// Example base class 2
function AgedThing(age) {
this.age = age;
AgedThing.prototype = {
getAge: function() { return this.age; },
setAge: function(age) { this.age = age; }
// Child class. inherits from NamedThing and AgedThing
// as well as defining address
function Person(name, age, address){
addParent(this, NamedThing.prototype);
NamedThing.call(this, name);
addParent(this, AgedThing.prototype);
AgedThing.call(this, age);
this.address = address;
Person.prototype = {
getAddr: function() { return this.address; },
setAddr: function(addr) { this.address = addr; }
var bob = new Person("bob", 25, "New York");
console.log("getAge is " + (("getAge" in bob) ? "in" : "not in") + " bob");
// getAge is not in bob
console.log("bob's age is: " + bob.getAge());
// bob's age is: 25
console.log("getName is " + (("getName" in bob) ? "in" : "not in") + " bob");
// getName is not in bob
console.log("bob's name is: " + bob.getName());
// bob's name is: bob
console.log("getAddr is " + (("getAddr" in bob) ? "in" : "not in") + " bob");
// getAddr is in bob
console.log("bob's address is: " + bob.getAddr());
// bob's address is: New York
Not part of any specifications. This feature has been removed, see bug 683218.