插件 jQuery.CLNDR 中文 API 文档


插件 jQuery.CLNDR 中文 API 文档 https://github.com/kylestetz/CLNDR

一个使用 HTML 模板的 jQuery 日历插件

CLNDR 是一个 jQuery 日历插件。它创建了 - 你之前听说过 - 因为缺乏真正动态的前端日历插件而感到沮丧。



  • 发展:clndr.js
  • 制作:clndr.min.js 回到抢新版本?看看 CHANGELOG.md 文件。

如果您想在特定浏览器或环境中运行某些测试,请 tests/test.html 包含基本功能测试列表。在提交时,请在提交拉取请求或问题之前运行这些(并在适当时添加)!


jQuery 和 Moment.js 依赖于。默认情况下,CLNDR 尝试使用 Underscore.js 的_.template() 功能,但是如果你指定一个自定义的渲染功能(见下面的文档)下划线不会在所有使用。

因为他们的 API 是相同的,所以 Lo-Dash 的_.template() 功能也会起作用!只需包含 Lo-Dash 而不是 Underscore。

使用 Bower

您可以通过 Bower 安装 CLNDR :

bower install clndr

默认情况下不安装下划线。这允许您使用您想要的任何模板引擎。如果要在 templateUnderscore 中使用默认选项,只需将其安装为项目的依赖项: bower install underscore。

CLNDR 使用 Angular

如果要将 clndr 集成到 angular.js 站点,请开始使用此指令: angular-clndr。

CLNDR 使用 Rails

如果您正在构建 rails 应用程序,您可能会对 @sedx: clndr-rails 感兴趣 。


那里有精彩且功能丰富的日历模块,它们都遇到了同样的问题:它们为你提供了必须使用的标记(通常是一堆很好的 JS)和样式。这会导致大量的黑客攻击,推动,拉动和烦恼,为什么 - 不能这样做我想要的场景。

CLNDR 不生成标记(嗯,它有一些合理的默认值,但这是一个旁边)。相反,CLNDR 会要求您创建一个模板,作为回报,它会为您的模板提供一组很好的对象,这些对象可以让您在几行中启动并运行。


这是典型的 CLNDR 模板。它有一个控制器部分和一个网格部分。

<div class="clndr-controls">
    <div class="clndr-previous-button">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div class="month"><%= month %></div>
    <div class="clndr-next-button">&rsaquo;</div>
<div class="clndr-grid">
    <div class="days-of-the-week">
    <% _.each(daysOfTheWeek, function (day) { %>
        <div class="header-day"><%= day %></div>
    <% }); %>
        <div class="days">
        <% _.each(days, function (day) { %>
            <div class="<%= day.classes %>"><%= day.day %></div>
        <% }); %>

该 days 数组包含我们制作日历所需的大部分内容。它的结构如下:

    day: 5,
    events: [],
    classes: "day",
    date: moment("2015-12-31")

这样可以快速生成网格。days.classes 根据具体情况包含额外的课程:如果某一天是今天,“今天”将出现,以及当事件在当天登陆时的“事件”课程。


CLNDR 接受事件作为对象数组:

events = [
        date: "YYYY-MM-DD or some other ISO Date format",
        and: "anything else"

date 除非您使用该 dateParameter 选项另行指定,否则 CLNDR 会查看 events 数组中对象的字段。在您的模板中, days 数组将自动神奇地包含这些事件对象。请参阅示例以演示事件如何填充 days 数组。


CLNDR 倾向于在 Underscore 和时刻完成的令人敬畏的工作。这些是要求,除非您使用不同的渲染引擎,在这种情况下,Underscore 不是必需的)。确保将它们包含 在 clndr.js 之前。它是一个 jQuery 插件,所以你自然也需要它。

最低限度(CLNDR 包括默认模板):




    // The template: this could be stored in markup as a
    //   <script type="text/template"></script>
    // or pulled in as a string
    template: clndrTemplate,

    // Determines which month to start with using either a date string or a
    // moment object.
    startWithMonth: "YYYY-MM-DD" or moment(),

    // Start the week off on Sunday (0), Monday (1), etc. Sunday is the default.
    // WARNING: if you are dealing with i18n and multiple languages, you
    // probably don't want this! See the "Internationalization" section below
    // for more.
    weekOffset: 0,

    // An array of day abbreviation labels. If you have moment.js set to a
    // different language, it will guess these for you! If for some reason that
    // doesn't work, use this...
    // WARNING: if you are dealing with i18n and multiple languages, you
    // probably don't want this! See the "Internationalization" section below
    // for more.
    daysOfTheWeek: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'],

    // The target classnames that CLNDR will look for to bind events.
    // these are the defaults.
    targets: {
        day: 'day',
        empty: 'empty',
        nextButton: 'clndr-next-button',
        todayButton: 'clndr-today-button',
        previousButton: 'clndr-previous-button',
        nextYearButton: 'clndr-next-year-button',
        previousYearButton: 'clndr-previous-year-button',

    // Custom classes to avoid styling issues. pass in only the classnames that
    // you wish to override. These are the defaults.
    classes: {
        past: "past",
        today: "today",
        event: "event",
        selected: "selected",
        inactive: "inactive",
        lastMonth: "last-month",
        nextMonth: "next-month",
        adjacentMonth: "adjacent-month",

    // Click callbacks! The keyword 'this' is set to the clndr instance in all
    // callbacks.
    clickEvents: {
        // Fired whenever a calendar box is clicked. Returns a 'target' object
        // containing the DOM element, any events, and the date as a moment.js
        // object.
        click: function (target) {...},

        // Fired when a user goes to the current month and year. Returns a
        // moment.js object set to the correct month.
        today: function (month) {...},

        // Fired when a user goes forward a month. Returns a moment.js object
        // set to the correct month.
        nextMonth: function (month) {...},

        // Fired when a user goes back a month. Returns a moment.js object set
        // to the correct month.
        previousMonth: function (month) {...},

        // Fires any time the month changes as a result of a click action.
        // Returns a moment.js object set to the correct month.
        onMonthChange: function (month) {...},

        // Fired when the next year button is clicked. Returns a moment.js
        // object set to the correct month and year.
        nextYear: function (month) {...},

        // Fired when the previous year button is clicked. Returns a moment.js
        // object set to the correct month and year.
        previousYear: function (month) {...},

        // Fires any time the year changes as a result of a click action. If
        // onMonthChange is also set, it is fired BEFORE onYearChange. Returns
        // a moment.js object set to the correct month and year.
        onYearChange: function (month) {...},

        // Fired when a user goes forward a period. Returns moment.js objects
        // for the updated start and end date.
        nextInterval: function (start, end) {...},

        // Fired when a user goes back an interval. Returns moment.js objects for
        // the updated start and end date.
        previousInterval: function (start, end) {...},

        // Fired whenever the time period changes as configured in lengthOfTime.
        // Returns moment.js objects for the updated start and end date.
        onIntervalChange: function (start, end) {...}

    // Use the 'touchstart' event instead of 'click'
    useTouchEvents: false,

    // This is called only once after clndr has been initialized and rendered.
    // use this to bind custom event handlers that don't need to be re-attached
    // every time the month changes (most event handlers fall in this category).
    // Hint: this.element refers to the parent element that holds the clndr,
    // and is a great place to attach handlers that don't get tossed out every
    // time the clndr is re-rendered.
    ready: function () { },

    // A callback when the calendar is done rendering. This is a good place
    // to bind custom event handlers (also see the 'ready' option above).
    doneRendering: function () {...},

    // An array of event objects
    events: [],

    // If you're supplying an events array, dateParameter points to the field
    // in your event object containing a date string. It's set to 'date' by
    // default.
    dateParameter: 'date',

    // CLNDR can accept events lasting more than one day! just pass in the
    // multiDayEvents option and specify what the start and end fields are
    // called within your event objects. See the example file for a working
    // instance of this.
    multiDayEvents: {
        endDate: 'endDate',
        startDate: 'startDate',
        // If you also have single day events with a different date field,
        // use the singleDay property and point it to the date field.
        singleDay: 'date'

    // Show the dates of days in months adjacent to the current month. Defaults
    // to true.
    showAdjacentMonths: true,

    // When days from adjacent months are clicked, switch the current month.
    // fires nextMonth/previousMonth/onMonthChange click callbacks. defaults to
    // false.
    adjacentDaysChangeMonth: false,

    // Always make the calendar six rows tall (42 days) so that every month has
    // a consistent height. defaults to 'false'.
    forceSixRows: null,

    // Set this to true, if you want the plugin to track the last clicked day.
    // If trackSelectedDate is true, "selected" class will always be applied
    // only to the most recently clicked date; otherwise - selectedDate will
    // not change.
    trackSelectedDate: false,

    // Set this, if you want a date to be "selected" (see classes.selected)
    // after plugin init. Defualts to null, no initially selected date.
    selectedDate: null,

    // Set this to true if you don't want `inactive` dates to be selectable.
    // This will only matter if you are using the `constraints` option.
    ignoreInactiveDaysInSelection: null,

    // CLNDR can render in any time interval!
    // You can specify if you want to render one or more months, or one ore more
    // days in the calendar, as well as the paging interval whenever forward or
    // back is triggered. If both months and days are null, CLNDR will default
    // to the standard monthly view.
    lengthOfTime: {
        // Set to an integer if you want to render one or more months, otherwise
        // leave this null
        months: null,

        // Set to an integer if you want to render one or more days, otherwise
        // leave this null. Setting this to 14 would render a 2-week calendar.
        days: null,

        // This is the amount of months or days that will move forward/back when
        // paging the calendar. With days=14 and interval=7, you would have a
        // 2-week calendar that pages forward and backward 1 week at a time.
        interval: 1

    // Any other data variables you want access to in your template. This gets
    // passed into the template function.
    extras: {},

    // If you want to use a different templating language, here's your ticket.
    // Precompile your template (before you call clndr), pass the data from the
    // render function into your template, and return the result. The result
    // must be a string containing valid markup. The keyword 'this' is set to
    // the clndr instance in case you need access to any other properties.
    // More under 'Template Rendering Engine' below.
    render: function (data) {
        return '<div class="html data as a string"></div>';

    // If you want to prevent the user from navigating the calendar outside
    // of a certain date range (e.g. if you are making a datepicker), specify
    // either the startDate, endDate, or both in the constraints option. You
    // can change these while the calendar is on the page... See documentation
    // below for more on this!
    constraints: {
        startDate: '2017-12-22',
        endDate: '2018-01-09'

    // Optionally, you can pass a Moment instance to use instead of the CLNDR settings.
    // If you use moment you shouldn't use weekOffset and daysOfTheWeek
    // See https://github.com/kylestetz/CLNDR#internationalization for more information
    moment: null


// An array of day-of-the-week abbreviations, shifted as requested using the
// weekOffset parameter.
daysOfTheWeek: ['S', 'M', 'T', etc...]

// The number of 7-block calendar rows, in the event that you want to do some
// looping with it
numberOfRows: 5

// The days array, documented in more detail above
days: [{ day, classes, id, events, date }]

// The month name- don't forget that you can do things like
// month.substring(0, 1) and month.toLowerCase() in your template
month: "May"

// The year that the calendar is currently focused on
year: "2013"

// All of the events happening this month. This will be empty of the
// lengthOfTime config option is set.
eventsThisMonth: []
// All of the events happening last month. This is only set if
// showAdjacementMonths is true.
eventsLastMonth: []
// All of the events happening next month. This is only set if
// showAdjacementMonths is true.
eventsNextMonth: []

// If you specified a custom lengthOfTime, you will have these instead.
intervalEnd: (moment object)
intervalStart: (moment object)
eventsThisInterval: []

// Anything you passed into the 'extras' property when creating the clndr
extras: {}


CLNDR 接受持续超过一天的活动。您只需要告诉它如何访问事件的开始和结束日期:

var lotsOfEvents = [
        end: '2013-11-08',
        start: '2013-11-04',
        title: 'Monday to Friday Event'
    }, {
        end: '2013-11-20',
        start: '2013-11-15',
        title: 'Another Long Event'

    events: lotsOfEvents,
    multiDayEvents: {
        endDate: 'end',
        startDate: 'start'

在我的模板中循环几天时,“周一至周五事件”将被传递到开始日期和结束日期之间的每一天。有关此功能的演示,请参阅示例文件夹中的 index.html。


如果您还将单日事件与不同的日期字段混合在一起,则从 clndr 开始,v1.2.7 您可以指定 multiDayEvents 被调用 的第三个属性,singleDay 该属性引用单日事件的日期字段。

var lotsOfMixedEvents = [
        end: '2015-11-08',
        start: '2015-11-04',
        title: 'Monday to Friday Event'
    }, {
        end: '2015-11-20',
        start: '2015-11-15',
        title: 'Another Long Event'
    }, {
        title: 'Birthday',
        date: '2015-07-16'

    events: lotsOfEvents,
    multiDayEvents: {
        endDate: 'end',
        singleDay: 'date',
        startDate: 'start'


day 可以自定义自动添加到对象的类,以避免样式冲突。该 classes 选项接受 today,event,past, lastMonth,nextMonth,adjacentMonth,和 inactive。仅传入您希望覆盖的类名,其余的将设置为默认值。

在这个例子中,我们 my- 为所有类创建一个名称空间:

clndr.customClasses = $('#custom-classes').clndr({
    classes: {
        past: "my-past",
        today: "my-today",
        event: "my-event",
        inactive: "my-inactive",
        lastMonth: "my-last-month",
        nextMonth: "my-next-month",
        adjacentMonth: "my-adjacent-month"

要配置 day,empty 和下一首 / 上 / 今天 / 等。按钮类,使用用法部分中 targets 记录的选项 。

约束和 Datepickers

如果你是一个日期选择器,或者你只是想防止用户 next 在您的日历荷兰国际集团一路 2034,您可以通过一个 constraints 与选项 startDate,endDate 或两者规定:

    constraints: {
        endDate: '2015-07-16',
        startDate: '2015-05-06'

现在,您的日历的下一个和上一个按钮仅在此日期范围内有效。当他们成为残疾人时,他们会让课程“不活跃”,你可以用它来使它们变灰或添加 gif 火焰或其他任何东西。

网格中超出范围的天数也将包含 inactive 该类。这意味着您需要添加单击回调并检查一天是否有该类 inactive。它看起来像这样:

    constraints: {
        endDate: '2015-07-16',
        startDate: '2015-05-06'
    clickEvents: {
        click: function (target) {
            if (!$(target.element).hasClass('inactive')) {
                console.log('You picked a valid date!');
            } else {
                console.log('That date is outside of the range.');

约束可以随时更新 clndr.options.constraints。如果进行了更改,请 render() 事后调用,以便 clndr 可以使用适当的类更新您的接口。

myCalendar.options.constraints.startDate = '1999-12-31';

确保它 startDate 来到之前 endDate!

返回实例 / 公共 API

可以保存 clndr 对象,以便稍后从 JS 调用它。有增加或设置月份或年份的功能。您还可以提供新的事件数组。

// Create a CLNDR and save the instance as myCalendar
var myCalendar = $('#myCalendar').clndr();

// Go to the next month

// Go to the previous month

// Set the month using a number from 0-11 or a month name

// Go to the next year

// Go to the previous year

// Set the year

// Go to today:

// Overwrite the extras. Note that this triggers a re-render of the calendar.

// Change the events. Note that this triggers a re-render of the calendar.

// Add events. Note that this triggers a re-render of the calendar.

// Remove events.  All events for which the passed in function returns true will
// be removed from the calendar. Note that this triggers a re-render of the
// calendar.
myCalendar.removeEvents(function (event) {
    return event.id == idToRemove;

// Destroy the clndr instance. This will empty the DOM node containing the
// calendar.

如果你正在服用的优势 onMonthChange 和 onYearChange 回调,您可能希望其触发 whenver 你打电话 setMonth,setYear,forward, back,等就在传递一个对象与参数 withCallbacks: true 如下:

// Month will be set to February and then onMonthChange will be fired.
myCalendar.setMonth("February", { withCallbacks: true });

// Month will increment and onMonthChange, and possibly onYearChange, will be
// fired.
myCalendar.next({ withCallbacks: true });


CLNDR 的结构使您在模板中不需要任何内容。

<% _.each(days, function (day) { %>
<div class='<%= day.classes %>'><%= day.day %></div>
<% }); %>

目前,CLNDR 在一天内设置类,‘calendar-day-2013-05-30’并使用它来确定用户点击它的日期。因此,点击事件仅在 days.classes 包含在您的日元素 class 属性中时才有效,如上所示。



您可以将 render 函数作为选项传递,例如:

var precompiledTemplate = myRenderingEngine.template($('#my-template').html());

    render: function (data) {
        return precompiledTemplate(data);

函数必须返回渲染操作的 HTML 结果。在这种情况下,您可以在代码中的其他位置预编译您的模板,因为如果它将使用 Underscore,CLNDR 只关心您的模板。

如果您使用自己的渲染方法,则 Underscore 不是此插件的依赖项。

已经使用 doT.js, Hogan.js, Handlebars.js, Mustache.js 和 Knockout.js 成功测试了 CLNDR。如果您使用其他语言取得成功,请与我们联系,这里将记录下来。

这是一个使用 doT.js 的例子。…..


<script id="dot-template" type="text/template">
    <div class="clndr-controls">
        <div class="clndr-previous-button">&lsaquo;</div>
        <div class="month">{{= it.month }}</div>
        <div class="clndr-next-button">&rsaquo;</div>
    <div class="clndr-grid">
        <div class="days-of-the-week">
        {{~it.daysOfTheWeek :day:index}}
            <div class="header-day">{{= day }}</div>
            <div class="days">
            {{~it.days :day:index}}
                <div class="{{= day.classes }}">{{= day.day }}</div>


var clndrTemplate = doT.template($('#dot-template').html());

    render: function (data) {
        return clndrTemplate(data);

这是使用 Mustache.js 的一个例子。…..


<script type="x-tmpl-mustache" id="calendar-tmpl">
    <div class="controls">
        <span class="clndr-previous-button">prev</span>
        <span class="month">{{month}}</span>
        <span class="year">{{year}}</span>
        <span class="clndr-next-button">next</span>
    <div class="days-container">
        <div class="days">
            <div class="headers">
                    <div class="day-header">{{.}}</div>
                <div class="{{classes}}" id="{{id}}">{{day}}</div>


    render: function (data) {
        return Mustache.render($('#calendar-tmpl').html(), data);


在 Moment.js 支持的情况下,CLNDR 支持国际化。通过将 Moment.js 实例配置为另一种语言,您可以在此处详细了解:在 Moment.js 中的 i18n,您也正在配置 CLNDR。

如果您希望传入预配置的实例,可以 moment 在初始化 CLNDR 时将其作为 config 选项传入:

// To change clndr to German use moment.local('de')

// Make sure that your locale is Working correctly
// Returns "heute um 18:43 Uhr"

    // Pass the moment instance to use your language settings
    moment: moment

如果您使用的是周末开始的周期(例如法语)的 moment.js 语言配置,CLNDR 将自动检测到这一点,并且不需要提供数组 weekOffset 或 daysOfTheWeek 数组。如果要反转此行为,则每个 moment.js 语言配置文件中都有一个字段 dow,您可以根据自己的喜好进行设置。

使用 moment.js 的当前语言设置自动创建星期几缩写,但是如果这不符合您的需要,您应该使用该 daysOfTheWeek 选项覆盖它们。确保您提供的阵列在当前语言设置的一周中的同一天开始。 警告:不建议使用 daysOfTheWeek 并 weekOffset 结合使用不同的语言设置,这可能会让您头疼。


如果你不是一个球迷<% %>和<%= %>风格的分隔符,您可以提供 Underscore.js 用正则表达式的形式替代。有三个分隔符。…..

interpolate,输出一个字符串(<%= %>默认情况下)

转义,用于转义 HTML(<%- %>默认情况下)

评估,评估 javascript(这是<% %>默认情况下)

如果您对 Jinja2 / Twig / Nunjucks 样式分隔符更为熟悉,只需在实例化 clndr 之前调用它:

// Switch to Jinja2/Twig/Nunjucks-style delimiters
_.templateSettings = {
    escape: /\{\{\-(.+?)\}\}/g,
    evaluate: /\{\%(.+?)\%\}/g,
    interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g,

Internet Explorer 问题 如果您计划支持 IE8 及更低版本,则必须注意版本依赖性。你需要 jQuery 1.10.x 分支来支持 IE,如果你正在利用这个 constraints 功能,你需要使用一个版本的 moment.js <=2.1.0 或》=2.5.1。

AXIHE / 精选资源







我叫 朱安邦,阿西河的站长,在杭州。


业余时间我喜欢分享和交流自己的技术,欢迎大家关注我的 Bilibili

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