插件 jQuery.scrollfire 中文API文档
插件 jQuery.scrollfire 中文API文档 https://github.com/Xaxis/jquery.scrollfire
jQuery Scrollfire
Version 1.4.0
Allows useful callbacks to be fired upon elements scrolling into and out of view from both the top and bottom of the viewport/window. Additionally, provides a mechanism to animate parallax elements.
Wil Neeley ( @wilneeley / trestlemedia.net / github.com )
jQuery.scrollfire gives its users the ability to execute callbacks on a multitude of scroll based events.
- … implement way points to trigger menu animations.
- … easily animate elements with parallax effects.
- … add infinite scrolling via ajax to load content at set scroll positions.
- … call functions when elements scroll into and/or out of view.
- … call functions when elements scroll COMPLETELY into/out of view.
- … call functions based on scroll direction ONLY when an element is in view.
- … call functions based on scroll direction continuously.
- … call functions at any scroll position.
Include jquery.scrollfire.min.js
after jQuery.
Initializing Scrollfire
// Example of initializing scrollfire with all of its callbacks and most of its properties
// Offsets
offset: 0,
topOffset: 150,
bottomOffset: 150,
// Fires once when element begins to come in from the top
onTopIn: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
$(elm).animate({opacity: 1.0}, 500);
// Fires once when element beings to go out at the top
onTopOut: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
$(elm).animate({opacity: 0.2}, 500);
// Fires once when element begins to come in from the bottom
onBottomIn: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
$(elm).animate({opacity: 1}, 500);
// Fires once when element begins to go out at the bottom
onBottomOut: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
$(elm).animate({opacity: 0.2}, 500);
// Fires once when element goes completely out of view at the top
onTopHidden: function( elm ) {
// Fires once when element completely comes into view from the bottom
onBottomVisible: function( elm ) {
// Fires once when element goes completely out of view at the bottom
onBottomHidden: function( elm ) {
// Fires once when element completely comes into view from the top
onTopVisible: function( elm ) {
// Fires continuously while scrolling in either direction while element is in at least partial view
onScroll: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
// Fires continuously while scrolling down and while the element is in at least partial view
onScrollDown: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
// Fires continuously while scrolling up and while the element is in at least partial view
onScrollUp: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
// Fires continuously while scrolling in either direction regardless of if the element is in view
onScrollAlways: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
// Fires continuously while scrolling down regardless of if the element is in view
onScrollDownAlways: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
// Fires continuously while scrolling up regardless of if the element is in view
onScrollUpAlways: function( elm, distance_scrolled ) {
// Example of parallaxing an element within its parent container (default behavior)
parallax: {
active: true,
parent: $('.parallax-cell-1').parent()
// Example of using parallaxed element that respects its margins as a boundary
parallax: {
active: true,
bound: true,
speed: 150,
easing: 'linear'
// Example of inverting a parallax element's direction
parallax: {
active: true,
bound: false,
invert: true,
speed: 150,
easing: 'linear'
// Example of adjusting the parallax speed and easing
parallax: {
active: true,
bound: false,
invert: false,
speed: 500,
easing: 'swing'
// Example of adjusting the parallax distance by a scalar multiplier
parallax: {
active: true,
bound: false,
invert: false,
speed: 10,
easing: 'linear',
scalar: 0.25
// Parallax multiple elements (active is the only required property)
$('.parallax-cell-6, .parallax-cell-7, .parallax-cell-8, .parallax-cell-9').scrollfire({
parallax: {
active: true
Using Scrollfire Methods
// Remove an element(s) from scrollfire.
None reported/observed. Have fun.
Tested with jQuery 1.4.x.
Works in IE6+, Chrome 14+, Safari 4+, Firefox 3.0+, Opera 10+.
See example.html
in examples folder.
Version 1.0.0
- initial version
Version 1.1.0
- added parallax scrolling methods:
, andonScroll
Version 1.2.0
- added immediate parallax initialization
Version 1.3.0
- added parallax bounding functionality
Version 1.4.0
- refined scrollfire methods
- added parallax speed, easing, invert, scalar, and active properties